Given below are the statstics for Kolhapur district according to 2011 census. Kindly note that these are indicative figures and not up to date.
- The total population of kolhapur district is 3515,413.
- The geographical area of kolhapur district is 7685 Sq.Kms.
- The population density of kolhapur district is 457 persons per square kilometers. The urban density is 1804 and the rural density is 327.
- 29.65 percent population of kolhapur district lives in urban areas. There is an increase of 3.32 percent compared to 1991 urban population.
- The annual population growth rate in last decade (1991-2001) is 1.76 The urban annual growth rate is 3.24 and for rural it is 1.23.
- The sex ratio of Kolhapur district is 949. Urban sex ratio is 918 and rural sex ratio is 962.
- The average literacy in Kolhapur district is 77.23 percent. Urban literacy is 86.13 percent and rural literacy is 73.41 percent.
- The female literacy in kolhapur district is 66.38 percent and this increase is 13.3 percent compared to the last decade.
- There is 10.29 percent increase in average literacy of kolhapur district over last decade.
- 12.49 percent population of kolhapur district is in the age group of 0-6.
- The SC population of kolhapur district is 12.75 percent and ST population is only 0.49 percent.
- 65 percent population of kolhapur district is engaged in primary sector, 17 percent in secondary and 18 percent in service sector. Occupational Distribution of Population.
- 18 Banks All Nationalized & Scheduled Banks
- 19 Govt. Rest House Available.
- 16 Library Facility Available.